Some software I have written.
remoteactions (perl):
Script to allow execution of commands on remote hosts.logrotate (bash):
Script to rotate log files and multilog directories.lnkedit (cygwin):
Edit properties of Windows shortcuts.Layered window (Windows API):
Demonstration of transparent windows using the Layered Windows API functions.ofpsounds (Windows API):
Limit size of Operation Flashpoint players' custom sound directories.NSSM service helper (Windows API):
Service helper program similar to srvany. But which doesn't suck.Kerberos tmux helper (perl):
Script to renew Kerberos credentials in a tmux session.
Links to game-related projects (associated with my online pseudo furrycat):
Command line tool for editing SWAT3 model files.GSkinViewer:
GUI tool for viewing and reskinning SWAT3 model files.